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Random master study

polycounter lvl 8
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AshishVerma polycounter lvl 8
A quick digital painting of a famous sculpture

A quick torso study of a famous sculpture


  • splicer
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    splicer polycounter lvl 7
    Usually a master study is done by aping their style in the media they used, or digital equivalent to paint or clay. But I like these a lot!
    First one is especially nice!

    Here is a study I did to show you what I mean, I hope it helps!
  • AshishVerma
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    AshishVerma polycounter lvl 8
    Thanks for liking these. I think of  master study as to analyse, in this case, pictures of sculptures and try to recreate that in other medium (traditionally: pencil on paper and Digitally: Pen Tablet) and learn from them. What you did is amazing and I like it very much but at this moment I think I am not confident enough on my own skills as to be able to do something like what you've done, Thanks a lot for the comment.  
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