Hi Guys,
This may be unconvenional for these forums and even straight up agaisnt the rules? if this is the case i do apologise preemptively and feel free to inform me and remove the post.
With that being said I am a 3rd year Games art student set to graduate very soon once i get this dissertation all wrapped up. I'm writing about how cinematography and framing more specifically can me considered more so in games and its effects on the player.
With all this being said i have a short survey (i know a dreaded word!) and would be thoroughly and eternally grateful to anyone that could fill it out for me within the next week. Ill leave a link here and hopefully a few of you will be so kind as to help a struggling student out
https://s.surveyplanet.com/SyQcfoC2fhttps://s.surveyplanet.com/SyQcfoC2fas a side note heres a cute cat saying please

Hopefully Careers and Education was the correct place to post this!
Thanks again everyone!