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Origin of Storms - UE4 Fighting Game

polycounter lvl 8
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Streak Thunderstorm polycounter lvl 8

I'm looking for a few people to add to my team. I'm currently making a fighting game in UE4 by the name of Origin of Storms. It is a mix of Marvel's speed and combos with Bloody Roar's transformations. Instead of transforming into beasts, characters will transform into elemental versions of themselves.
So far we've made a short film (Which was my senior thesis) and it was noticed by Epic and showcased in their April 2017 Sizzle Reel.
Here's the full movie
We've got a good base down in terms of playability.

So far we have a discord server with 12 people working on the project. We need some more to fill in the gaps.
We have:

1 2D animator who animates all of the fighting moves for rotoscope animation.
1 Lead 3D animator and 2 sub animators that work on poses to pass to the lead for cleanup.
1 Lead programmer that does under the hood C++ code.
I'm the gameplay programmer and lead modeler. We've got 1 other character modeler.
We've got 2 environment modelers.
We've got 2 concept artists.
We've got 1 character rigger that might be leaving soon.

Ultimately we need more 3D animators and 3D modelers but we're open to adding more people to the team from all talents. We want to start a company and ultimately lead this game to release.
Here are some of our social media.



​​​​​​​Let me know if you are interested.


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