Hey guys!
I've been working for a while on this. It's a shaman's skull which is simple a wall decoration. It could be hanged somewhere in shaman/druid house. I based this model on awesome Olabukoo Yu concept which you can find here:
https://www.artstation.com/artwork/8ZQkxI changed it a bit and added my stuff(mostly tree). So my plan is to make a retopo of this and paint it in Substance Painter.
Highpoly done in Zbrush. Hope you like it and feel free to comment or critique! Thanks!

Thanks a lot!

Thank you!
i did retopology of this model, baked textures for substance painter and now Im creating textures. I've applied some basic materials.
I couldn't decide which color pallette I want to use also I had problems with values, so I decided to make overpaint in photoshop. I want to change materials/ colors from original concept a bit- to make it more dark/creepy. Differences between those 3 aren't that big, but I wonder which way I should go. What do you guys think?
Also you can see a mesh here: https://skfb.ly/6yIQM
Thank you!
Skull it's already done! It took me way more time than I expected
Feel free to critique and comment! Thanks for the support!