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Who here uses gloves for work? Recommend your gear

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Justo polycounter
Heya. So I use gloves to work. My hands usually feel better when I do. They're getting kinda old and sweaty now though. Do you use gloves? Which ones? The ones I use right now were old golf ones I had which I cut the fingers :B  


  • danr
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    danr interpolator
    I like to use ones sourced, obviously, from tier 2 tramps (preferably Irish, but obviously not, not ever,, from north-eastern Scots less than A-4) and then - after the usual cleanse ritual - trim the fingertips with a scissor of 20f gauge . I usually send out for the synthetic Wipe, it’s too expensive to do at home,
    Then, once Wiped, there’s the usual 4 month run in, and a few Tweezes (100pt  sometimes running to 210) and we’re all good. 
  • sacboi
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    sacboi veteran polycounter

    ooer...I see meme fodder :)

    Anyways though not strictly adhering too this thread's premise, as for myself when the going gets a bit tough due to carpal tunnel syndrome effecting both wrists I'll strap on a pair of sports wristbands that tends eventually to get me over the line.  

  • Aydhe
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    Aydhe polycounter lvl 5
    Get yourself pair of fancy HUIONs from Amazon and walk around town like a boss.

    On serious note, huion gloves are really quite good, got pair myself and dont regret spending penny. On tip i can give if you though, once yo uget them get needle and thread, and reinforce stiching in middle where it connects.
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