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[MaxScript] Rollout instances troubles

polycounter lvl 7
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EspiSensei polycounter lvl 7
Hi polycounters!

I'm developing a tool that load every scripts contain a subfolder (called "Pickers") and then load into the Rollout the script, in this case is another Rollout.

The problem is when I execute another instance, if you select another external script (not human), this is loaded perfectly but if you select  "Picker_Human", this new instance doesn't load the rolloout, I don't understand this case, because i force the rollout with Local variables instead of Global, because in global case if you load the second instance and select a other externarl script it loads in the first instance.

Example with local vars:

the code:



-- Global Vars
    local DynRollFloater, DynRO_current, DynRO_old
    local rootFolder = getFileNamePath (getThisScriptFilename())
    local sourceFolder = rootFolder + "Pickers\\"
    local PickerScripts = getFiles (sourceFolder + "*.ms")
    local dynRoll_rollouts = #()
-- Detecing the picker scripts
        if PickerScripts.count == 0 then
            append dynRoll_rollouts "Any script detected"

                for picker in PickerScripts do
                    pickerName = getFilenameFile picker
                    filein picker
                    append dynRoll_rollouts pickerName
-- Rollout Options Rollout MAIN MENU

    rollout RollOptions "Main Menu" width:292 height:92
    -- Interface
        GroupBox 'grp' "Modes" width:250 height:80 align:#left
dropdownList 'PickerList' offset:[15,-60] width:185 height:40 items:dynRoll_rollouts align:#left
    -- Handlers
        -- update interface...
        -- set-up on first run...

        on RollOptions open do
DynRO_old = HelpRoll
        on PickerList selected state do (
-- set target rollout...
                DynRO_current = execute(PickerList.selected as String)
                if (DynRO_old == undefined) then
                    messagebox("UNDEFINED --> current:" + DynRO_current as string)
                    DynRO_old = DynRO_current

            -- feedback (optional - use for debugging)...
                print ("Removing " + dynRO_old as String + " and creating " + dynRO_current as String)
            -- add and remove the rollouts...
                messageBox("DynRO_old :" + DynRO_old as string)
                removeRollout DynRO_old DynRollFloater
                addRollout DynRO_current DynRollFloater
                DynRO_old = DynRO_current
-- Other Rollouts

    rollout HelpRoll "HELP"
        editText 'edtxtHelp' "" pos:[8,32] width:288 height:328 align:#center readOnly:True text:" HOLI "


------END ROLLOUT------------------------------------------------------------------END ROLLOUT------------------------------------- 


-- Create Floater

    --if DynRollFloater != undefined then closerolloutfloater DynRollFloater

    DynRollFloater = newRolloutFloater "Picker Main Menu" 500 800

    addRollout RollOptions DynRollFloater;
    addRollout HelpRoll DynRollFloater;

Thanks for all again! ^^


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