Hey all, I've entered the Retrogasm comp and I'm making Sami from Advance Wars:

I want to properly challenge myself, making a female character is already something I never do and I've decided to get away from my usual hand-painted, unlit characters, which should force me to git gud at substance PBR.
I've made a start and been mucking around for a while on proportions and face:

I'll probably be tweaking the face and hair for weeks to come because I'm still not happy with it, but for the rest of the body -- OH SWEET MERLIN WHERE ARE HER FINGERS??!
C&C welcome, I'll try to post updates here when I've got something good to show.
If you're able to I would strongly recommend checking out Matt Thorup's (aka Redbeard) Gumroad and more specifically, the advanced female design tut - could apply pretty well to what you're doing.
Can't wait to see more