I see you did your best and for the most part muscle are going to the correct places , on the other hand bones are a bit distorted for example her jaw skull and clavicle .Surface look a bit wobbly and heavy handed , if you are using subdivs try to work on 1-2 levels lower if dynamesh try to lower the resolution with 1 power of 2 (ex 512 to 256) additional to that dont use smooth brush instead use trimdynamic or clay/claybuildup with 0 imbed will help you blend forms and give better control on what to keep or remove where smooth brush just destroys everything If I ware you I will avoid fragments that end up in the middle of nothingness like neck in the first image at least try to extend to the muscle insertion/origin
If I ware you I will avoid fragments that end up in the middle of nothingness like neck in the first image at least try to extend to the muscle insertion/origin