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Maya RenderTarget

Hello, I've never used RenderTargets in Maya. I'd like to write to one and visualize it, but the tab in the RenderView is ALWAYS greyed for me.  I'm trying to follow this;


As a test, I simply connected a const color to the RenderTarget Node in Hypershade.  If someone has a better tutorial then the one listed above, I'd really appreciate it!


  • throttlekitty
    Which renderer are you using? Depending on that and your setup, you should already have a way in the render view to look at your passes or AOVs.
  • corvoconn
    Hi throttlekitty, thanks so much for answering!   I was using the ArnoldRenderer, but also switched to Maya Software/Hardware, and the RenderTarget remains blank.   My shader expierence is mostly in-engine, ( unity, unreal etc ) so working with the Hypershade nodes is mostly new to me.   This is what Im doing in the Hypershade as a test; I'm probably doing something wrong. 

  • throttlekitty
    I should have first asked what you're wanting to accomplish here, I should mention that I've never actually used this node so I'll check it out when I get some time. I do see this other example of how to use it. If you're wanting to preview the steps in your shader network, each node has an S icon at the top that will solo it and send it to that material preview in the upper right.

    Check this page out if you're looking into render passes like for checking diffuse/spec/whatever: https://support.solidangle.com/display/A5AFMUG/AOVs
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