I've created a sculpt, it's my second sculpt on Zbrush I've made to date and I wasn't aware of the correct workflow the software at the time. Which kind of leads me here. But as it's my second sculpt, I don't want to loose all my progress. So here's my issue:
Each time I 'Append' a new subtool and move it to the right spot, ZBrush crashes with an 'Abnormal Error'.
I know why it crashes though, I've been using Dynamesh up until this point and my topology is literally hecked. I'd love to fix it, but ZRemesher just erases all the progress I've made by removing 2/5th of the polys and a lot of detail. Although it does fix my issue, it puts me back a while.
Here's a quick look at what I've done so far if you're interested
My question: Is there a way to Remesh my object without loosing a lot of quality, if any?
Thank you in advance,
Zremesh the duplicate.
Then, with only those two subtools visible, all other subtools hidden, Project All onto the duplicate.
If you had any subdivision levels, then you would repeat the Project All to rebuild the levels.