Hey there - This gif should explain what I'm looking for. After beveling edges, modo auto selects the faces inbetween new geometry. I have to manually select what I really want - what was newly created. is there a way to do this?
I don't think so. But it's not selecting the edges in-between, it's maintaining your original selection. Clear your polygon selection before doing and edge bevel and nothing will be selected after.
You could do what you want if there were another edge between them — you'd bevel then press alt+3 to convert to poly selection. As is, your edge selection would do the same as in your gif.
Actually you can do it with Use material option for bevel tools. Create material, use it with bevel, select material -> convert to polys. But you need a macro or simple script to automate it.
You could do what you want if there were another edge between them — you'd bevel then press alt+3 to convert to poly selection. As is, your edge selection would do the same as in your gif.
There is no reason it should be selecting those vertical edges. so hopefully they can address it.