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Can't open scene / One or more objects define the UV mapping

polycounter lvl 3
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Dikstrina polycounter lvl 3
Hello polycount! I have been working on a model in Maya for a month and now when i export to 3dMax it displays crash log says: 

One or more objects define the UV mapping by POLYGON_VERTEX but the index table has less entries than the actual number of polygon vertices. The missing entries have been assigned an arbitrary value. Depending on the affected vertices, the resulting mapping may be corrupted.

i did exported all files to .obj and then exported in .fbx again but it didnt worked.

Please, if you know how it could be solve, write me 
I`ll really appreciate any help
thank you


  • Alex_J
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    Alex_J grand marshal polycounter
    You might find a quicker answer to this sort of problem (warning log) at the autodesk AREA forums.
  • poopipe
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    poopipe grand marshal polycounter
    You've probably got a uv set that doesn't include all the mesh vertices.  Max doesn't like that
  • Axi5
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    Axi5 interpolator
    As poopipe says that's likely the case. In maya you can delete the UVs, I always assumed they were placed at 0,0,0 on export or something.

    To select them, go into your UV editor and select all of your UVs, then convert your selection to vertices and invert the selection. You should be left with vertices that have their UVs deleted. If not it could also be that there is a normal split with only one UV created when there should be two, which is a bit trickier to find.

    You could also just open your uv editor and go to Select -> Unmapped faces and could help too.
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