Hi Everyone! I'm starter on VR projects in unreal 4 and I want to begin learning how to do it . I have knowledges about Unreal in general.
I worked in some productions but I was 3D artist.
I 'd like know what parameters are necessary to optimize a VR project. I need your support polycounters.
Hope you can support me!
Huge thanks!
From what I gather at least is you're gonna have the 4k mindset, since VR requires some pretty high resolution to display properly, so optimizing LODs is going to be a must to display high resolution meshes and textures up close, as the player will be able to put their litteral nose on objects.
For instance, using 2048² normal and albedo, and add tiling 1048² detail maps to save on memory.
This is entirely true.
I wrote a bunch of stuff I learnt about material design in the other VR thread in this section of the forum
I know I have to use a intelligent material instanciation.
Thanks! ^^
So... I used 1024 textures anytime but... I have never seen 1048 resolution map.
Thanks for your support man.
Also I meant 1024², maybe typed a bit too quickly.
Regarding texel density, that just means the resolution of your textures, which is to say the number of pixels / unit of distance in the game.
Today I have a new issue about main motion controller blueprint...
I'm building an aplication where I can pickup some objects of my level. This object has a bluprint based on empty VR proyect layout but I changed it a little bit.
I would like the object can be grab with a "snap effect"... So it is so easy to me. I should only change "LocationRule" and "RotationRule to "snap to target" option in the "AttachToComponent" node. Like this:
BUUUT... when I pickup this object he turn his local rotation -90º. Then I added "AddLocalRotation" to fix this problem.
Well, now the object turn in the direction I want... but now in the left hand the object turn 180º... It is like a mirror behavior. I see that the object rotate in the opposite direction than in the right hand...
I need to align the object with my hand correctly.
I hope you support me. I'm desperate!
Thanks guys!
If my object doesn't have a socket, should I create it?