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@kristof, he doesn't mind but I'm on a very similar journey at the moment as I start to up my stylized skillset in Substance. Hopefully can inspire each other. I think we have different styles, I tend to go more towards the traditional WorldOfWarcraft handpainted style.
Still not finished with my first texture but part of the reason for this thread is to get feedback and any support I can. First is a top down of just the albedo.

Current Height map;

The only proper feedback I can give you right now, because of the lack of shaded shots, is I think you should put some stone chips, small broken parts scattered in the crevices, if the edges are eroded this much. Also, I would add some color variation per tile. There are 2 easy ways to do that, flood fill, or mosaic node. The second one only work for this purpose, if the heightmap has varying depth - some of the tiles would need to be more deep down than the anothers, but I could use this approach in some of my practices, and with some certain shapes, it works better than flood fill.
Thats it for now, waiting to see more.
Good suggestion about the damaged 'chunks' coming off the sides, just worried it will make the texture too busy but will try just a few here and there. Was going to make the eroded 'sides' a more contrasting tone but yeah instead of just flat I'll try colour variation with the flood/mosaic nodes. Also feel like I need to add a few cracks but again cautious that any huge cracks will look repetitive if only used on a few select tiles. Also think I need more colour variation from tile to tile.
The thing about shading not working well with PBR is intriguing, you're right that this may not sell itself well as a 'PBR' texture but the main goal is trying to achieve nice 'hand painted 'albedos primarily which is why I showed a direct flat on shot above. I would like the finished piece to resemble a PBR ideally but yes, might not work so well with this kind of style. I've like to know more about what it is about this kind of texture that's problematic, I need to get a better understanding of these kind of issues going forward.
How it looks in Substance;
More shots at