Hi game devs. I just working on this robot and want to get some feedback and Critiques about it. Hand painting in Substance Painter using only Base Color Map. Thanks in advance. Pd: Concept Art attached below. Concept Art
The model has some fun cartoony shapes going on, but the texture doesn't really feel like it fits. If you're going for low super low poly with flat colors, I'd bake some lighting in there to really push the volumes. Work in some vertical gradient to draw attention to the face. Keep the texture resolution down to something more appropriate for the model resolution... for something like this I'd say 512 would probably be good. 1024 at most. Right now the details are very small scale - exaggerate them a lot more, and give some nice bold highlights along the edges that would catch light.
A character like this would probably be for a mobile game and would be viewed quite small. Zoom way out and see how your textures hold up. Make the details and volumes read when they're small and you'll be in much better shape.
A character like this would probably be for a mobile game and would be viewed quite small. Zoom way out and see how your textures hold up. Make the details and volumes read when they're small and you'll be in much better shape.
I hope that helps, keep at it!
Thanks for your feedback.
For the lighting baking , can i use the baked lighting filter in Substance painter ?