This is my first time posting so not 100% sure what is the best way to share wips so let me know what I can do to improve that side of things but more importantly let me know what you guys think of the character and weapons so far. Any comments and critiques would be helpful! Here is a link to the awesome concept art I'm using by the artist
https://www.artstation.com/artwork/r2N42 Here is my personal project I've been working on based on that concept art.

I think I know what I want to do for the back of the butt plate of the gun but I'd like to hear any ideas before I go back to that if possible and I'm totally clueless on what do with the muzzle of the gun. With the character I feel like I'm finally getting close to getting her face down correctly although I think something still might be off and would love to hear someone else's opinion besides mine on it.