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Japanese SuperMarket Building

polycounter lvl 4
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ionicotaco polycounter lvl 4
Hi, I recently this small environment. This is the first I make an environment and I am really happy with the outcome. Obviously, since it is my first there are things that I could improve on and I want feedback on it. This was modeled in Maya, textured in Substance Painter and rendered in Unreal Engine 4.Thanks in advance!


  • R3D
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    R3D interpolator
    Really solid first piece. To really bring it to the next level try to look at some reference of real world wear and tear on objects. A lot of the rust and dirt you have feel very "randomized" instead of localized into areas that make sense. A good example is the air vents you have where theres no logic or reason to where you've placed the rust on it.
  • ionicotaco
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    ionicotaco polycounter lvl 4
    Thanks so much for the feedback! Really helps for future pieces. Will have this in mind next time.
  • Olingova
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    Olingova interpolator
    Love the vibe in it, especially the dark one with lights :) jsut a bit sad to see you let your glass material being so simple while its so important on that building, maybe going full reflection or even makin it a bit transparent and blocking the indoor could bring taht piece to the next level!
  • ionicotaco
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    ionicotaco polycounter lvl 4
    Thanks! This was my first time using unreal engine so I got really confused about the glass and didn't know what to do. Because glass from substance to unreal is weird and I was like frustrated. So I incremented the roughness. Will take this into consideration next time know that I know.
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