Hey guys, I've been working on my first archviz scene for the past five days or so, and I would really appreciate any advice to be able to finish it up the best i can. There's a few things I know I'm going to change, like the roughness on the iMac screen, as well as adding some roughness detail on the walls and roof. Thanks!

The table is a bit too smudgey/dusty, the look you have on it is fantastic, just clean it up a bit. For the window you might want to add some sort of locking mechanism to open/close them, and maybe some blinds as right now the materials and lighting is fantastic but they're looking a bit too simple.
Lastly I can't decide if I like the transition between wall and ceiling, the separation is being lost at some points. Maybe try playing around with some crowning or maybe stucko to the ceiling.
These are all super nit pickey, I really think you've got a really good look here.