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[WIP] Owl Pilot

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Pixuais null
Hello ! 

I'm seeking for feedbacks and tips ! I will update my work step by step. If you find something that I can improve feel free to say it ! There are so many ways to model in Zbrush... so if you also have some videos or tips I will be happy to learn some new method :)

The concept come from Aleksandr Nikonov. If you want a better resolution: https://www.artstation.com/artwork/ezgkP

This is what I have for now. The is only the base. A lot of stuff is still missing !


  • CybranM
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    CybranM interpolator
    Ah, a mythical triple-post, incredibly rare compared to the regular post or even the relatively uncommon double-post.
    Joking aside, it looks like a good start. Are you planning to make it a game ready model or "just" the highpoly?
  • Pixuais
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    Pixuais null
    Oh wow. I didn't do that on purpose ! I tried to make a new thread but it didn't work so I make a second one.... I thought it was a bug... but as I can see they posted all of them. I will try to delete the rest of them... 

    Thank you for the comment btw ! It will be a game ready model :)

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