Hi everyone, I am very new in maya animation and can't figure out what to do in this case. My pelvis bone has some rotation( y-90 z-180 for proper export to the game engine) but obviously this is causing pelvis wobbling between key poses instead of expected result. Is there an easy way to get around this problem?
What is gimbal lock?
You can visualize gimbal on your object in Maya by selecting the rotate tool, holding ctrl-shift, right click and pick Gimbal. As you rotate the object you'll see the axes influence each other, if two align/overlap, you can have gimbal lock.
Changing the rotation order of the joint might help because it changes which axis drives the others. In the attribute editor Rotate Order XYZ change it to ZYX or some other order that is less likely to gimbal your object. You can't avoid gimbal, unless you use quaternion,