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A modest Easter gift to the community!

polycounter lvl 6
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pixelquaternion polycounter lvl 6
Hi guy's,

I have been here almost since the beginning of polycount as a lurker for many years then i finally registered and i always found answers to my questions and i got access to nice scripts and all kind of goodies so i thought i would give back something in return.

How about a nice set of 12 Easter rocks instead of egg!

The package sound pretty simple but don't be lured by it's simplicity since i spent a good amount of time just getting the perfect looking rock at each iterations. I have no merit regarding the rock design since they are from the great rock generator script but i took the time to get nice looking rocks that would look interesting and different in every angle so you can get a multitude of variants with only 12 rocks.

the texture and alpha resolution are all at 2048x2048 and they are completely seamless.

I have also made every texture with a lot of attention to detail in substance designer.

They are PBR ready and i also provide the sbs but you can also use the 2 set of albedo located in the bake folder.

The rock_set folder contain the following : High poly rock, low poly rock, A brown rock albedo, a grey rock albedo, displacement,alpha,normal map.

For those not interested in the rock models i made a single folder call Alpha and i also provide the max file with each high poly and low poly version of each rock.

The rock_01.sbs also contain a lot of color variation located in framed on top of the graph, many grayish tone, some brownish and a whiter type of rock.

The Alpha are going to be useful if you want to have many nice rock variations from an input pattern from tile generator, i also took the time to adjust each displacement map in Photoshop to get optimal height information.

It is a set of assets i am currently making for my game and you can use everything commercially without need to credit me but it would be nice if you just post work you did with it here or a link to it! I am on commercial subscription for 3ds max so have no worry about the models legitimacy. 

So Happy Easter everyone and enjoy your weekend!

Here a few pictures:

Here the high poly and low poly with normal map apply:

Here the alpha for each rock:

Here the setup as input pattern for the tile generator:

And finally here the kind of result you can expect from the alpha  :

Link :

rock_set : https://drive.google.com/file/d/1jzErBmnQ1ORxpoXGl_8XhIUf64vHEF7I/view?usp=sharing

stone_set.max: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1dtpl-gD1ja0R6E4T2O6XvTz_KwTtFkZ3/view?usp=sharing

Alpha: https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1x94hscCy17emllIXAtXozyB240_vVi0U?usp=sharing

Substance sbs: https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1IIKe3dgVehFfVAfM_wRgxJd02UD6rukd?usp=sharing

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