CG Master Academy is now offering courses taught by the late greats Auguste Rodin, Michelangelo, and Leonardo da Vinci. As a nod to the traditional master artists from the Renaissance and Impressionist periods, the academy has crafted three new courses led by these giants in art. The campaign launched March 27, with detailed course pages on the school’s site. How the school plans to profit from this is questionable considering these courses are free, and time machines are not.
“At CGMA we provide the very best in art education by hiring and working with the most sought-after talent from around the world, and I think we killed it with this new lineup. Our competitive advantage is that we provide our students with the very best instructors from around the world and the afterlife,” says CGMA Program Director Manny Fragelus.
The curriculum will cover Advanced Sculpting with Rodin, Intro to Painting with Michelangelo, and Vehicle Design with Leonardo da Vinci.
Registration is open for the Spring term for
artists interested in computer graphics. See below for an unbelievable line-up
of new courses. They start April 1st—don’t forget your quill pen and
ink well.
Sculpting, with Auguste Rodin
A strong grounding in the fundamentals of art and design is essential to any career in Entertainment Design, which is why we are pleased to introduce our most hands-on course to date. If ever you’ve struggled to sculpt the musculature of somebody deep in thought or to navigate the limbs of a couple getting a little too frisky atop a plinth, then this is the course for you. It’s especially suited to artists with limited available time for study. Need to submit your work but haven’t had the time to add an upper torso? Pas de problème. Or maybe you’ve slavishly modeled a realistic human nose only to smash the end off after a night out on the absinthe? Congratulations, you’ve already begun to master advanced sculpting the Auguste Rodin way.
Seating is limited, click here for more information.
Intro to Painting,
with Michelangelo di Lodovico Buonarroti Simoni
Our new Intro to Painting course has been designed especially to give students a firm grounding in the fine arts while simultaneously reaching for the sky. Under the guidance of our simply divine new CGMA tutor, students will soon find that the only way to go is up. Something of a renaissance man, Signore Simoni has gained quite a reputation as an artist with truly catholic tastes. Drawing upon his experience as a painter, sculptor, architect, and even poet, this course will teach students how to paint with a truly Italianate flourish. Classes cover such topics as how to cross disciplines and paint like a sculptor, techniques for destroying old sketches, and maintaining a steady brush hand while perched on a very wobbly ladder.
Water-based paints
A ceiling
Seating is
limited, click here for more information.
Vehicle Design,
with Leonardo da Vinci
Announcing a very special and rare opportunity to peek into the future with artist, scientist, biologist, geologist, renowned inventor, and all-around Universal Genius, Leonardo da Vinci. As the tutor himself has noted, ‘the natural desire of good men is knowledge.’ Thus, while many are familiar with his canvas and wood panel works, the Don has chosen for his CGMA debut to share his mechanical design and engineering prowess with an exploration of futuristic vehicular design.
Please note: The course tutor has asked us to enforce a strict policy forbidding students who take this course from enrolling in Michelangelo’s Intro to Painting course.
p.s. Does Da Vinci speak english?