so my friend finished rigging my character, but its not all under one root joint. The shoulder are separate, and the rig use parent constraints. Is there a way to import this rig as an animation to unreal engine? :c
Can i bake the animation and just export it as an fbx to unreal? (i mean technically still using the same rig but...)
Or i can convert every single vertex into a joint maybe?
Pls help :c the deadline is getting really soon and we cannot afford redoing the whole rig
But unreal supports only one root bone in a hierarchy. It even tells you when you try to import one with multiple roots. Next time you could save yourself some time and headache, by first doing some initial tests, before doing such a complex task. Imagine if there wouldn't be a workaround....
So i only export the combined mesh and the second rig as the skeletal meshes. Will it work if i have a wrap deform?