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Blending Alphas?

polycounter lvl 7
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Mr.Moose polycounter lvl 7
I was considering cutting out a step of sculpting seams for some pants with some alphas I have by just using the alphas in SP.

However.. I do not think there is a way to blend alphas like there is in Zbrush? IE if you have a square alpha with the outside information all one color so that it'd be flat, and the seam information in the middle. In Zbrush you can adjust the midvalue etc to blend it out and only use the information you need.

Is there no way to do this in substance? I can't seem to find one if so.

This is the pack I am using https://gumroad.com/l/ClothJR

Would I be best just baking the texture down from a high detail zbrush sculpt? I also worry because I would need to repaint each stitch that I bake down, right?

Alternatively, if no, does anyone have some good seam resources for substance painter? I am considering making my own if not :|


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