Hi, I am working on a 3D model in blender , I would like to use a good practice for Animation (game animation) to be specific , I have seen many tutorials on youtube where people use to separate the Head from the body (or torso or whatever) a single objects , but in many case I found videos for render process (Marmoset, Cycles render, Houdini ) etc... I am interesting in Animation , but also I love render process , I am wondering about the resolution and of course (gaps...) yeah gaps.... If I separate the Head mesh (LP_head.xx) from the rest of the body I will have a very good space for making UV-mapping and excelent texture process per body's part island.... however... if my character will move his arms Up and down... should I use separate head from the body?? I mean, this practice is very useful for rendering....but is good practice for animation? consideration moving shoulder ... Maybe it is sounds very logic or weird question ... but , I need good game resolution too and at the same time make clean animation with no gaps. ..
here it is a picture of the separate mesh (Edge split tool) . Thanks .
I do not how to make this process (the link above) ...the video is very quick and I can not understand what's he is doing , tranfer my vertex normal of my model ? to the same model? or duplicate...well I must find a solution because I ve very noticible seams between my neck's character and his body...
(I do not separate the mesh , I just only export in fbx output all of my Lowpoly assets to SP , with and ID material for every pieces, but the object at least , head and body , they seems to be separate , but they are together, is the material ID contribution a good rule for exportin in SP )
this Pictures reveals the bad process of mine.