Hi guys i'm currently working on this saloon environment as a university project. There is just over a month left of the project so ive got plenty of time to make changes. I realize some things aren't textured yet so ignore those, but out of the things that are textured, is there anything you can see that doesn't look right? or anything you would definitely add? I really want to break up the bar area in the first image with more assets but i'm not sure of what? (thinking a small clock, picture frames, maybe some signs?)
Thank you!
Things I already plan to add:
Some sort of Animal Skull
Curtains/Shutters on Window
Glass Oil Lamp
Glass Decanter
Exterior Buildings
Imgur Album of screenshots:
- The stairs beside the bar look like they're made of one continuous piece of wood, which is odd.
- The textures for the poles and the elevated part behind the bar seem to have a lower quality. Did you use small maps for these parts? The raised bit might look better with a tiling texture.
- The bar seems really wide. The bartender would really need to reach to hand someone a drink!
Aside from that, the saloon looks cool
It feels too dark for how much light is coming into room. The dark areas are pretty dark.
The cash register looks really cool. Nice work
Adding some bear bottles etc on the bar would be a nice touch. Maybe some spilled liquid for some nice reflections.
You've got a good start here, keep it up.
Will sort that thank you!
Thanks very much I will look into that!
Will sort that thank you!
Thank you very much I'll look into that!