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[WIP] Real-time Djinn

polycounter lvl 3
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BrunoSanBorges polycounter lvl 3
HI there, Polycount.
It's has been a little while since the last time i came here...
But things has changed. So i want to show something i'm working in my spare time.
I didn't planned to make a whole-process-post, but a friend of mine asked me to post somewhere whatever i have done so far.

So here is just a couple images.
This project is based off Djinn by AlexShatohin:

Some highpoly directly from Zbrush:

[That long mustache floating around is kinda weird in highpoly, but it is done... it will show up at the end]
[Also nipples and chains -.-]

The hard surface stuff was done in 3DSMax.

And some tests for the materials and textures for the magic smoke, rendered in MT3:

And the second version, with highpoly skirt and the sigil on the ground:

Right now i'm about to finish the retopology phase.
If the gym don't kill me, it will be finished in a week or 2.


  • Lokthar
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    Lokthar polycounter lvl 7
    Love your blockout, if you want to stick to the concept I think the upper front should be more wide, the typical triangle shapes of bodybuilder with "thin" Waist, lats should be more wide, maybe its just the angle of the screenshot that doesnt show it properly.

    The rear delt feel weird with that depression, I think that depressions should be under the delts not on the same level but right under.
    Same stuff with that line depression on the traps that ends on the scapula

    How did you do the magic smoke and the sign in Marmoset? That look so cool! :) 
  • OutlawHue
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    OutlawHue polycounter lvl 9
    Looks nice! I really like the clean poly work on the sword hilt. So far it seems this same clean appeal is present throughout the entire model. To add to the comment Lokthar., if you step back a bit you can edit the model shape to get a stylized v shape of the upper torso into the narrow waist and hip and into the smoke   However I think it looks nice without this idea as well. 
  • lotet
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    lotet hero character
    this is looking really cool! 
    I especially love the look of the smoke, how did you make that?
    as for critique I think you could work a bit on the back anatomy, its looking like he is missing his scapula's and his latissimus are huge and may be sitting a bit low.

    other then that its looking great, cant wait to see the final thing :)
  • IgorSilva
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    IgorSilva polycounter lvl 8
  • Square_Triangle
    Nice work so far. I agree with lotet about the lats. The lats should flow over the lower portion of the teres major and up into (insertion) the humerus. I would put some nipples on him (ref shows them). Also check the traps near the 7th CV (see the ref Lokthar posted). Looking forward to seeing more.
  • Sebeuroc
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    Sebeuroc polycounter lvl 13
    Really cool stuff dude. Other than the anatomy stuff others have mentioned, I think the tassels around the bottom of his skirt thing could be repositioned so they look more like they're floating/billowing out around the smoke trail.  It doesn't really make sense that they would drape on top of the smoke cloud like it's a physical thing.

    Anyway, that's my two cents. I love where you're going with this and the smoke effect is great!
  • Alex_J
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    Alex_J grand marshal polycounter
    Really awesome. 

    I might have expected black hair, given the Arabic aesthetic (I think?). Maybe black roots fading into the reddish color might be even more appealing than that though. Just a thought, not a critique. Looks excellent as is.
  • BrunoSanBorges
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    BrunoSanBorges polycounter lvl 3
    Thanks for all the replies and feedback.
    About the smoke: It is not the final version yet. I'm still doing some tweaks on it. As i reach a cool result, i'll post how i've achieve that, ok? :smiley:

    Lokthar and OutlawHue:
    I've tried to stick with the concept, but there is some distortions in the ilustration that fits it's 2D purpose, but doesn't work quite well in 3D. So i adapted some proportions, like a slightly bigger head. Also, the shots are in ortogonal view.
    But, talking with some friends all of them said the same about the lacking the triangular shape of it. I've made some changes in this aspect too.

    Yeah... the scapula was weird indeed. And comparing at Lokthar ref image this seems even weirder. Tried to fix that too.

    Nips were planned to be done in texturing phase :wink:

    Yep. This will be done after the rigging. Maybe some animation...

    Hm... you're right. Maybe the artist have done that way to maintain the color palette of the character idk 
  • BrunoSanBorges
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    BrunoSanBorges polycounter lvl 3
    Actually i'll not finish this one. A lot of bad personal things happened during the final steps for this. I can't even look at the files without remembering all shit , anxiety and depression that somehow got attached to this project.
    Thanks for all the replies and feedback.

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