so in the last time im playing a lot of Hunt.
I like this game. But everytime i play it, im asking myself how they have made the fishing houses.
There are a lot of Wood Panels, and every Panel looks unique(almost every...), there are no flat textures, everything is geo.
Well i thought about the following techniques:
They made maybe 5-10 different Panels on one UV Map. So that every Panel has his own unique space.
And in the 3d package, they placed every panel per Hand until a whole house is finished. 10 different panels can give a lot of variation by rotating them.
But at the end i always came out with at least 3 different materials. One for the panels. One for the roof and one for the windows, doors and carriers.
With interior even more...
2. They made whole sides as unique bakes (with windows and doors). Lets think about a simple house with a front side, a back side, a left side and a right side.
Every side is his own unique "prop" and in the engine they just made an composition out of it.
What do you guys think how they made it?
Or what would be the best way to do it to keep the frames high?
Well when i try to blend between two Textures, for example on a terrain, the transitions between those two materials are very soft. So how they achieve the crispy look on the white paint itself? For me it looks like the use of smart masks in Painter. And do you think the panels are baked to give them the highpoly look ? I think they look pretty low, there are no highpoly normals hovering the low geo. (i think)
You can read more about this here:
I'm just curious how they researched all this Architecture, i know it's nothing crazy, but a bit specific with the swamp-aspect to it.. i tried to research it but all i find are very low-res pictures on pinterest that are just giving little hints.. I'm making some stuff up as i try to make my own buildings in that style, i'm pretty confident that's how they went with some stuff.
Sorry for being a bit off-topic tho
How much carriers? How are the carriers aligned? And so on....very hard to find actually
By the way, in my research i havn't fount a single house with these fishing nets that are hanging on the outside walls, how dare they making something like that up.