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[ZBrush] Memory problem (Locked main mem in list-out)

polycounter lvl 11
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Croftyness polycounter lvl 11
I get this message whenever I try to save my file, any ideas?


  • Axi5
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    Axi5 interpolator
    You'll probably have to e-mail them as they suggest. Unless this is a known issue someone knows about, it could be anything honestly.
  • Ruz
    Online / Send Message
    Ruz insane polycounter
    getting the same thing rhough on on save. jsut happends randomlly

  • Tekoppar
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    Tekoppar polycounter lvl 10
    Do you use a 32bit version of Zbrush? If so the application is limited in adress space to ~2-4GB, and I'm guessing Zbrush uses memory-mapping to allow working on subtools larger then the available application adress space. And when one of the threads tried to free memory so it could load what it wanted another thread probably had that memory already locked so the first thread couldn't free it and you got that error. It's just a guess.
  • HarlequinWerewolf
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    HarlequinWerewolf polycounter
    Did anyone find a solution to this? I'm having this issue and any time I try to save my tool it comes up with the error
  • mickeal_alex
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    mickeal_alex polycounter lvl 9

    Did anyone find a solution to this, i still get this error on different Zbrush versions, i have 44 subtools, using 64GB of RAM, have over 100 GB free on each partition and i get this error when i try to save either Ztool or Zproject. Sometimes after saving, getting the error and zbrush crashing i can open the files, sometimes not. I think it maybe because the file is over 2GB of Disk space or something like that, it's very weird, i remember i fixed this issue in the past by merging subtools but not unfortunatly i cant as i have a lot with this current project.

  • kanga
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    kanga quad damage

    Dunno bout that specific error message above, and saving without success at 2 gig sounds limiting. I am on an older laptop and the usual character polycount gets up around 12Mil. My rig is 64bit. I haven't had a mem error since forever because I keep it under 12Mil and reduce subtool to their lowest level before saving. Never save a project unless it is a handy start up for a piece. I'm betting your unsuccessful subtool saving was prolly in access of my target limit. Mebee spread your high res over a couple of docs. Also saving in iterations might be a good strategy for now. Might have nothing to do with the OP, but its something to try.

  • mickeal_alex
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    mickeal_alex polycounter lvl 9

    I think I found the problem, will have to do more tests but I essentially deleted all the folders in the subtools and I could save the project file after that. Yes I switched to the lowest subtool but the poly count isn’t the problem, at the lowest it says all subtools have a bit over 1 mil or something like that. The project/ztool isn’t very dense and I’ve had denser projects that took 10 min to load that didn’t give me this problem. I remember just now that I fixed it the saw way by deleting the folders.

  • mickeal_alex
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    mickeal_alex polycounter lvl 9

    Deleted all the folders and this error still happens, clueless what might cause it, it occures when autosaving and sometimes when i manually save ZPR or ZTL.

  • kanga
  • Davision3D
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    Davision3D polycounter

    Had you found a solution for it? I Currently get 5 in a row of these messages constantly. I'm at the point where I'm debating If I should go back to the 2021 Zbrush version by exporting everything.

  • mickeal_alex
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    mickeal_alex polycounter lvl 9

    I found the issue, the file was made in an older zbrush version and i opened it with a new version, that and also the main subtool in there was a character i made and was sculpted to over 20 mil polys with lots of layers so i ended up baking all the layers to the model and never had that issue happen again.

  • iam717
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    iam717 interpolator

    Thanks, i hardly use the layers but now you stating that sounds like a layering issue, i ran into the "hard lock out" of only max 7 subdivisions on a subtool last night. I was going to say i got nearly 100 subtools and it isn't giving me this issue, luckily i found this thread in-case it isn't a layer issue and i can sort of get sorted out, i save zpr's repeatedly with autosave cause i really dislike doing things (over) again. Appreciate the somewhat solution for now. /v2021

    The Next Day:

    One day later lol, this is what i get for making the above statement YESTERDAY! I fixed my issue but smh, what timing...eh?

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