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Critiques on my Portfolio PLEASE! :)

polycounter lvl 4
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smealer polycounter lvl 4
Hey guys I'm currently still working on my portfolio but this is what I have so far and I'd be thrilled to hear what you guys have to say! I specialize in environment/props.



  • Donny
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    Donny polycounter lvl 7
    I personally think your best piece is the Castle, however I do think that you should look into how to better present the model. Maybe a blurred HDRI and add some torches to create a more interesting piece. I really enjoy the style you're going for, however you should aim for more consistency , for example, the dungeon bars are simple cylinders with no detail whatsoever. Adding some slight damage, warping etc will make them fit in a lot more.

    The Hospital scene is in my opinion, your weakest work. To be blunt it is visually uninteresting. The scene needs a lot of iterations before I'd deem it portfolio worthy. You are missing things like trim (walls generally dont just meet ceilings at 90 degree angles), props and lighting. There are also a fair few things you could fix, like there is an obvious seam on the ceiling where the 2 corridors meet, the ceiling panes seem huge (may be wrong, but they seem too big imo) and the textures are a little blurry. 

    The Fire Extinguisher is pretty well done. I think the hose could be slightly improved (I see that substance painter criss-cross pattern ;) ) but overall I think you did a good job on it.

    The Forge assets look pretty decent imo, I think there are a few smoothing issues on some of the assets (barrel?), but that may be a stylistic choice. You seem to be pretty good at stylized stuff!

    Overall I think you are heading in the right direction. Your portfolio will benefit a lot if you just put a little bit more time polishing. You've put a lot of time and effort into your work so don't downplay yourself by skimping on the presentation!

    Good luck!

    P.S. Havn't done much critiquing so I hope I've helped a bit and havn't been too harsh or anything :smiley:
  • smealer
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    smealer polycounter lvl 4
    Haha that wasn't harsh at all that's what I need and I really appreciate it! Thank you a ton and I knew my hospital isn't perfect I will make it better for sure! Thank you Donny!!

  • Ashervisalis
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    Ashervisalis grand marshal polycounter
    - The fire extinguisher could use some grunge on the handle, and also some dents and dings. Right now the paint looks like its wearing away and old but doesn't look like anybody has bumped into it or anything. Try condensing the different angles down to 1, max 2 images, as a recruiter won't want to scroll through 6 images of a fire extinguisher.

    - The hospital is too clean. The roof tiles don't line up with the walls. There's not much story here... However, if you put in some surveillance cameras, blood streaks, an empty gurney, something to give it some story, and added some grunge around the place, it would be more interesting. Again, I think you should cut the number of images down to 2.

    -  The Forge: The shield has a weird crease going through the middle of it, I'd fix that or take the shield out. You could very easily crank up the number of polys on a lot of the props in this scene. Stylized doesn't mean low poly, and if its for a portfolio, you should probably be a little lenient on the poly count. The edge wear on the anvil looks too generated, especially for stylized. The materials you've got on the ground don't look stylized, or don't fit the style of all the props. With some cleanup, I don't see why this project wouldn't be portfolio worthy :)

    - Stylized castle: This is from a tutorial, yeah? Don't put tutorials into your portfolio. You can throw them on ArtStation, but if/when you create the ArtStation portfolio, exclude it.

    You're on the right track, keep creating more art!
  • smealer
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    smealer polycounter lvl 4
    Thanks man!!! Ya you nailed what I was thinking I wanted to do with the hospital! Thinking maybe a freak break out! And sorry the stylized forge is something I'm selling on UR4 as a lowpoly thing but I'm going to go back and beef up the poly count and do a mini RPG level! But again thank you for your words and time!:)
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