I've got the plugin working with a demo version of redshift - as we export the final product into a custom real-time application, so I don't need a fancy rendering engine inside max itself. I presume it's possible to create our own script for exporting specific maps?
Has the plugin not created a cutom GUI item or do I have to evaluate the script in the editor everytime on startup??
Talking of GUI - the drop down menus all appear blank until you click on them, so you don't know the current settings without going through each one individually.
If the original maps are all 8K say, is it not possible to specify other sizes before importing? I can see this can be done in Bridge but I was hoping it could be done in the plugin also??
The plugins are currently being rewritten from scratch to work with the new megascans architecture. We'll be releasing a new version of Bridge that will help you export with multiple already predefined presets, or create your own
If there's anything else i can help you with please let me know !
Adnan Chaumette - Tools Programmer @ Quixel
just tested the macroscript on 3dstudio 2016 and vray ADvanced 3.6-
I cant get the export function to work,exporting from the Megascans Bridge directly to 3D Studio,
nothing happens.
i followed the suggested steps from the Megascans Bridge - 3DSMax Integration
(copy the script to the Scripts/Startup folder,restart Max and so on..
I also tried all the drop Down options for the Vray Render Engines.