Hi all,
This post is mainly for my anatomy study and I'm looking for as much crits & tips as possible

So feel free to drop a comment
I've created a "proportion guideline" using zsphere which I can modify as I go. Not detail just something simple and I already see the whole proportion is off lol. Let's not worry about it for now as I'll do adjustment.

The plan is to complete the skeleton system then muscle on top to allow myself better understanding of how the human body is built, aka ecorche.
Of course as a beginner I doubt I can create a detailed one but doing my best and always a good start even it's rough.
So today I'm looking for crits for the skull I've made.

Please comment

Any reason for flat face ,round back and huge orbits ?
I will suggest to get a better reference material -> images/digital-real skull or download Skull Sketcher
You could look for BodyParts3D_3.0_obj_95 or 99 its not perfect but at least you will have some 3d reference
If you have free time I can tell you where to get some bone scans but assembling whole skeleton out of misaligned parts take quite a lot of time - carpals and tarsals are real fun can easily waste you a few days
Definitely let me know where I can get the bone scans (assuming I can get them online)
To get models out I used adobe acrobat pro and Tetra4D Converter trail versions work but you might find a easier way
Side note :
You could check this site , it contain a lot of useful reference like x-rays CT/MRI scans ,visible human project slices(just male unfortunately)
Also getting a good anatomy atlas wont hurt either
If you don't mind learning from dissection can check link below , you wont find a better way to learn muscle anatomy , actually contain everything but muscle is what I really like
Side side note if somebody work as front end programer or just know how to do simple 2 page website I can dump a bunch of reference link/book as so on I have pile during the years so everyone can benefit /ftp will probably do too
Oh the Anatomy Ninja game look funny
Id say that you nailed teeth mark but nose and orbit are too big
Why dont you separate mandible from skull and dig infratemporal fossa
Back is not round is pentagon shape ,~mid of mastoid process should line with lateral edge of mandible , missing nasal spine ,teeth should bow out a lot more ,lower teeth arch is smaller then upper one ,~middle of orbit line up with last molar -> teeth width . jaw ramus is diagonal/concave in front view ,nasal bone is not straight but S - curved , you could cut some of frontal bone - side view -> skull higher point is either in the middle or 3/4 back , orbit margin is like tilted square with cut corners inside orbit is rounded triangle pyramid pointing inward , ear hole is in the middle of brow - back of skull distance
Check Frankfort line/plane
If I may suggest you do Bammes/Li plane skull get the big shape right first
Look for this 2 books both can be found on the internet , don't need to read German/Russion images are self-explanatory
Gottfried Bammes - Der Nackte Mensch
Golova Cheloveka Osnovy Uchebnogo Akade N. Li
Made a new one. Need to move on to the next part. C&C please for my further study
Made jaw narrower and teeth cylinder wider
Welcoming critics for my skeleton model! Hopefully @carvuliero is still around as well
ahahaha that's a long list
Will take my time getting it fixed otherwise I find it pretty hard to build without the actual physical model in hand. I've been using tons of images, scans and 3D medical maps but still struggling.. Pelvis yes I'm neither happy with it. Really hard to nail down the form. Thinking about changing my approach by dividing and simplifying it to basic forms. This one was created from one sphere mesh which I now understand this kind of approach turns out disaster. As for vertebrae I didn't spend too much time they're all copy of vertebrae above with small adjustments in size and form.
Didn't utilize much ref images as they all got distortions and I mostly rely on the mirror
Be it showcase, inspiration or for my own record. I present you my skull sculpting journey from start till now (shown in monthly basis in the last 1.5 years). From taking 1 whole week to complete till few hours only. Still a lot to learn and will be continue improving.
Gotta admit I burst out laughing when I open my first skull wondering what dafuq in the world was I doing!? I can't even recall having sculpt that
By all means big thanks to carvuliero for always giving me crits and guidance!
And Today 16th Jan 2019
CC welcome! The more the better!!