So this is my 3rd year environmental model assignment made mainly in maya, and i'm digging the look of it so far, i handed in Image 1 and got a 90 percent on it which i think is a straight joke since i'm in my final year of school, and seeing some of the projects students are creating blows my stuff out of the water, i didn't get any feedback on the assignment just the mark, and when i asked for some i was told that maybe putting more interesting lighting would help then afternoon lighting so i did that in image 2, but i wanna know what you guys think, feel free to tear me a new one. What do you think of the overall shot composition, wire frame, lighting, texturing and modeling, thank you!
Lots of work left to do, unfinished textures missing textures, but i just want some good direction before, adding anything else
I used Maya, Mudbox and Photoshop since thats what we got
IMAGE 1 (Handed this in...)
IMAGE 2 (Took out xgen grass cause it was annoying me, will add it back later, this is where im currently at)
Given the width of the tracks, I don't see a train fitting in there. But it's not just the size of the tunnel. The shrubbery is too large, and then the detail and tiling on the rock walls doesn't suggest the correct scale....
What is the impression you are trying to give the observer? A castle and rock walls, you probably wanted a sense of grandiosity and immense proportions, I'd expect? But the render suggest this is a section from a model train kit. All because of the proportions.
The lighting -- I'm not sure exactly what I might do, but I don't think I'd want the castle in shadow.