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Problem tiling in Substance Painter

Hi everyone, I have a problem to applicate a material in Substance Painter that I created in Substance Designer .

The problem is that when I project the material on the uv of the object  it does't tile right, so it's visible the uv seam.

 I think the problem is on the uv, but I saw that in Substance Designer if I try do to a Material tiling preview it works only with precises numbers ( 1,2,3,4 ecc..) , I don't know if this is a regular thing.

For the moment I decided to paint a black line where is visible the artifact, but I'd like to have a continuously regular pattern, so I'd like to have some suggestions to resolve this problem :)

P.S. Hope to have posted in the right section and to have been clear( in case, sorry for my not quite good english) 


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