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Normals following low-poly loop?

polycounter lvl 2
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Shovah polycounter lvl 2
Hi, at first sorry for my english if you find any error.

I´m working in a character and I´m having some troubles with the normals baking in some areas.I´ve started with the high poly sculpt, followed by the retopologized low-poly. The cloth has a sewing lines wich separates the diferent parts of the pattern, and the main problem is the line wich separate the sleeves. I suppose that the optimized form to do that is the sewing coincide with the low poly loop. Because the difference among the high-poly subdivision and the low, the line can´t be 100% acurate. Could this suppose any problem in the deformation in the skinning? It will be better resolove it? How could I correct this? Maybe readapting the high poly?

Of course  I could move the Uvs or retouch the map, but I´ve cutted the Uvs exactly in this loop, and I think is the best way to cut it, isn´t it?


LOW_POLY Normals

LOW-POLY Wireframe


  • sprunghunt
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    sprunghunt polycounter
    There's no problem with this. Things will stretch and move a bit but that's unavoidable. 
  • pior
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    pior grand marshal polycounter
    While I agree that it is indeed unavoidable, there are still some lessons to learn from this imho.

    "Game Art Is Not Highpoly Sculpts"

    Repeat after me. Game art is not highpoly sculpt.

    I know that it sounds counter-intuitive (and even subversive) given the massive amount of game art tutorials floating around that seem to suggest otherwise. But still : regardless of how long one spends on a zeedbrush model, the highpoly surfacing will always only amount to about 5% of the final asset.

    In your case : Forget the highpoly sculpt for a bit, and focus on creating a solid, strong lowpoly tshirt. Your current forms and silhouette are quite weak at the moment, and that's more important to get right than the placement of the fabric seam. Shape things properly. Give the mesh a nice density, that deforms well in motion. Give your model a test skeleton ; try different poses, to see what works. You can always go back to the highpoly sculpt later.

    How does that relate to the placement of the seam, you may ask ? Not completely ... but it still does to an extent. Had you build and tested your lowpoly further, chances are that it would be a bit more dense/more solidly built. And from there, there would likely be less projection deviations at the time of baking.

    In other words : if you give great care to the end product itself (the actual, in-game lowpoly model), things tend to fall in place by themselves.

    Good luck !
  • Shovah
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    Shovah polycounter lvl 2
    Thanks for the answers !! I´ve made a bake among the highpoly and a subdivided and reajusted (only the loop vertices) low poly mesh. After that just remove the smooth node and made a mask in the normal map. It worked totally ;D

    The images are only the try with the seams, using the mid poly map without the mask, but now is 100% acurate

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