Lately I've been working on some female character. I began to work with her body but I came across a huge problem with her face. I'm posting it here, because I hope that someone will be able to help me with this issue.
Here is her body which looks pretty good:

Here is her head only which does not looks as bad as it could:

And here is combined version where her head looks very weird. I think that the problem could be in her mouth but I couldn't figure out what is exactly wrong.

I'd be very happy to hear any critique or advise about her!
What are you using for reference? I think having a solid reference board put together will help you elevate this to the next level.
Three things that jump out to me that you could fix are the neck, mouth, and eyes.
The neck is too straight down, the angle should draft backwards a little more if you were looking from the side. Also there is too much mass on the front of the neck in the throat.
Right now the lips look awkward because you have them meeting at a harsh corner. The corner of the lower lip should get pushed in more, while the upper lip corner should overlap the bottom a little.
Part of what is making the eyes look strange is that the eye form is too large making the eyes seem very flat. Once the eye inside the head are smaller I think the lids will be able to wrap around that form more. The inside corner of the lower lid needs some smoothing, and is currently sticking out too far. Something to keep in mind, from the side the upper lid should be further out than the lower lid.
I hope my ramblings here are of some help. Keep it going!
I will suggest to post front side and 45degree 3/4 view of her face (top and bottom optional) , can't really tell whats wrong with her on a single view but jaw muzzle and lips/neck thickness looks wrong to me
1. I am using many photo references from different angles, but I'm struggling with reading all the data from them.
2. Lol, It's funny that I haven't noticed this fat neck
3. I made the eyeballs smaller, so they look better but I might reduce their size a little bit more.
(Now I see that her nose is to short too)
All in all, I am greatly thankful for Your help but she still needs a lot of work. It's just a rough high-poly sculpt, so next I'll do low-poly mesh and then second high-poly mesh. I'll post further results here if You are interested.
Today I worked a little and I think that she is getting in some shape. I've done retopo and started high-poly sculpt. I am waiting for you critique!
I fixed the eyebrows and worked on some smaller details of her head and I added some hair volume. Brian "Panda" Choi Thanks for Your great advice!
Thanks for the reply@Brian "Panda" Choi . I tried to fix it somehow, but I still don't feel it. For me, it gives her weird facial expression. Maybe adding brow would change it. Here's the result:
Take a look at this sculpt for example; see if you can imitate the transition thhere.
Also, the muscle and fat definition surrounding the mouth should be softened. Looks like the character is pursing their mouth preemptively.
I tried to fix the eyebrows a bit. I think that the forms are getting better but they still need to be polished. Let me know what do You think and thanks for Your advices.
Corners of her mouth should pinch in.
Thanks for Your constant help, You might not even know how nice it is for me. I think that face is acceptable. I fixed form transition of eyebrows and few little things. I made some clothes I won't show right now. Now I have to make hair but I do not now how I'm going to achieve result like shown below because I'm not good with creating hair planes but we'll see.
One Reference:
And my face:
For instance -- this looks like something you already fixed -- but in the first photos the mouth and surrounding area was kind of on a flat plane. Looking from head on that is kind of hard to see, and yet things will look off. But if you feel your own face, you realize that the mouth is, to some degree, wrapped around your teeth and gums, and thus convex in shape.
Also, look at some skulls, and some muscle anatomy photos. Then, when you know what is underneath (which varies much less from person to person compared to the topological things that make people look more unique), you'll be able to better imagine how the skin and fat will exist in the different places.
I refined mostly the mouth area and fixed complete lack of muscles in one place I marked on the image. I worked a lot on overall skull shape and cheeks. Her head is probably good enough for the moment, so I am going to create hair cards now and then move to body or clothes sculpting. Thanks for your help!
Here is small progress with her body and clothing:
this might be preemptive, but I thought I would send something along to get you inspired about haircards;
Thanks for all Your advices, it is really helpful! I've been fixing a lot of smaller issues with proportions and forms of her body and I've mostly done textures of her body and boots. There are still things to fix, so I'm trying to do them step by step. In worst case I'll go back to ZBrush but I don't hurry with her, so it's OK. I worked on the hair a little bit and I achieved not as bad result as I expected. It is first time I've seriously tried to create realistic hair with hair cards, so I'm happy with the result.
Here are body and boots:
I second @Brian "Panda" Choi 's suggestion to get some scanned models for reference. There is no reason to work blind -- I seriously doubt any pro character artist ever work without reference. Ten24 is a great website to get some scanned models from, though they cost a little (~$25). Right now a lot of them are on sale. I'd recommend the female base model, there is a couple variations. So you bring that into your viewport, and you can rotate around it, view it from every angle, and seeing an actual scanned human with the same gray material applied helps a lot with visualizing real life references as 3d matte gray clay.
Also, poly paint on some eyebrows, and if the final character will have some makeup or anything distinctive, just get a quick bit of that down. Humans without eyebrows always look a little weird, and having that color on will help you visualize the model a bit better.
Thanks for a nice word! I'll surely try this 3D scans. I've just redone her hair. I think that short hair will look better and they are easier to do than long ones and additionally the long hair look terrible in Substance Painter. Here is fast render:
I've worked a bit on her body and dress. Here's the result: ( I think that something is wrong with her face, but I just can't tell what)
You'll have to look up some makeup tutorials, specifically eyes, lips and brows. I think a lot of character modelers- even really good ones- neglect knowing about hair and makeup techniques.
Thanks for Your help, it is very helpful! I've been trying to redo her face, so I tried to refer to Anne Hathaway, I gave my sculpt a little of smile and I tried to fix the brow
Btw. Do You have any tips for creating a portrait?
Can you just share your ZTL?
I am not buying that this is a style decision. It looks off because of it. Your faces are starting to look as stylistically odd as Assani's here: https://www.google.com/search?q=Assani+Duongsaa&tbm=isch&tbo=u&source=univ&sa=X&ved=0ahUKEwia6oDMlv7aAhUPo4MKHbgSCUEQsAQILg&biw=1047&bih=706
@Brian "Panda" Choi , I am very grateful to You for trying hard to learn me something
Here's .ztl
If you want to work in a really fluid manner you will want to develop a workflow allowing you to judge your progress through a real 3d camera. Toolbag is probably the easiest way to do so, but unfortunately won't allow you to do edits. Best is to find a companion 3d app with rudimentary yet solid basic sculpting brushes. Most regular 3d software allow for that now so that shouldn't be too much of a trouble.
I've done some small progress but it is still very hard for me to work on details without losing main forms.
I've worked a bit today and I think that tomorrow I might be able to move to Substance Painter.
Thanks for Your all support. I think that this project took a bit too long. I'm going to play a bit with her make-up and pose her in ZBrush.
She looks not-bad in my opinion, but even though I learned a lot while I was making her. I am sure that it was a very important project for me and It'll help me in the future to develop various skills. Here's render of her body:
Philtrum is too sharp in the sculpt.