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[WIP] Sci-Fi Bedroom

polycounter lvl 3
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aBabyPenguin polycounter lvl 3
Hey everyone! I just started working on this room. I'm imagining it in a spaceship, kinda like the bunks in Firefly.

The guy who lives in this room has a pet cat, which I'll illustrate with various pet toys and accessories. He also likes to tinker with ancient electronics like computers and maybe even portable game consoles. He's currently repairing an all-in-one PC with a CRT screen that I hope will add some fun lighting to the scene. I know I want posters on the walls of the room, but I haven't decided if he would want nerdy posters of his favorite movies/influences, or if he's more of a guy who has pinups everywhere.

This is currently my block out. For my next update I'm hoping to have some more small props to fill the space and add personality, as well as update the block out meshes so they have a more interesting silhouette, rather than a simple box. (The desk being one area that could use more interest)

Thanks for checking out my progress!


  • Swarmy
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    Swarmy polycounter lvl 5
    Looking good! Is that big pipe that goes through the wall supposed to be heating ? If yes then perhaps you can have some laundry drying on top of it or indicate that that's where the cat likes to hangout?
  • sybrix
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    sybrix polycounter lvl 13
    Looking good so far. I love Swarmy's idea about the vent, I'd also maybe go a step further and add some cat scratches on the bed or pillow. Also think the movie and media posters would be a lot more interesting than pinups, especially for a nerdy guy who tinkers with vintage computers and likes to hang out with his cat. :smiley:
  • aBabyPenguin
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    aBabyPenguin polycounter lvl 3
    Loving the ideas! Yeah that pipe is for moving around hot air. I actually had the same thought and put a cat bed on top of it! :smiley: My screenshots didn't show that very well though, so I'll definitely make that more apparent. Laundry is fun too, I'll play around with that idea.
    Nerdy posters definitely seem like the better choice, now that you say it. The cat destruction sounds great, I'll look for opportunities for that as I'm moving forward.


    Hoping to have a small update posted tonight!
  • aBabyPenguin
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    aBabyPenguin polycounter lvl 3
    Small update today.

    I spent some time moving things around on the desk so things aren't quite so hidden behind the old PC. Then I made some changes to the desk and small cabinet (still in a blockout state though, haven't decided what the final shape will be...) and added a few new bits and bobs. I'm not sure if I like the girder going through the ceiling. I wanted to show a little of the ship's structure, but it feels like it's competing with the large pipe. Maybe if I scale down the pipe to a more medium size it will balance things out...hmm.

    More fiddling to come on Monday!

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