Final in
this post.

Hello! I'm working on some new pieces to freshen up my portfolio, and for one of them I've decided to make Dr Girlfriend (aka Dr. Mrs. The Monarch) from Venture Bros as an exercise on handling a heavily stylized character. The end goal is to get her fully rigged and game ready, since I want to focus my folio more on rigging going forward.
(edit: added my ref sheet for those who aren't familiar with this character)

I'm considering the hipoly here to be pretty much done, but I wanted to get some fresh eyes on it before I move on. None of the polypaint is final, it's just there to help visualize the character better.

The main thing I'm not sure of right now is the face. Proportionally she matches up pretty close to
my reference, but I don't know if the likeness is there quite yet. I feel like it might be something to do with the eye area, but I can't put my finger on it.

I still have to add the gauzy wings that she has on her back, and potentially adjust the size/placement of her breasts, I think I made them a bit too big.
I'm also not sure if I've gone too light on the detail, in particular on her boots and gloves. I want the final to have a very simplistic, cartoony effect but I don't want it to look under-defined either.
Crits and suggestions on everything are very welcome!
(Sorry for the screenshots.... don't know my way around Substance quite yet
Got her retopoed, baked, and into Painter, now just laying out base colours and figuring out how the program works. I haven't begun the painting process or refined materials or anything, since I still need to go back and fix a few issues on the bakes too.
I have an idea in my head of what I want this final piece to look like, but I'm not totally sure how I'm gonna get there yet. Texturing and presentation has always been my achilles heel and I really really want to get better at it with this piece.
Anyway, preliminary texture pass is done. I'm struggling a lot with what to do for the arms and legs, I personally kind of like them as-is but I worry they might come off as underdefined right now.
Still haven't done the wings.. I've been avoiding them, eep.
I'm horrible at remembering to post WIPs and forgot about this thread for a month, oops! This is the final, there are more pics + rig demo on Artstation.
Overall pretty pleased with the complete piece. There's definitely stuff that isn't perfect and that I'd still like to change on it, but at this point I really feel like I have to let this project breathe and work on some other things before I come back to nitpick.