Making a stylized hand painted environment as a personal improvement project. Hope you like it! Check out for more updates and other stuff!
Looking good! My only crit right now is the lack of contrast and slight color variation in the textures. It's making the textures seem a bit flat. I'd also maybe work on the material definition, namely the roughness/specular of the materials. For example the gems on the pillar don't really read as shiny orbs since they have the same roughness of everything else in the scene. It's also contributing to the overall flatness of everything. If you're making everything diffuse only, another way to address this is to really push the contrast and put really bright and saturated highlights on the shiny materials like the purple and yellow orbs.
Thanks for the critique. I'll push the contrast a bit, and see what I can do with the orbs to let them shine a bit more. The only reason I dont want them to shine too much is because I dont want the focus to be taken away, since they are mainly going to be a mid-ground piece instead of up front.
Thanks Wirrexx! My workflow is pretty simple; I make the base meshes in Maya then I export over to zBrush for sculpting, then I bake using xnormal and hand paint in 3DCoat. With the fence, it was sort of a last addition since my scene was missing something, so I just modeled a base simple mesh and went straight to 3DCoat without sculpting.
Thought I would start to put a few things together to see how it was looking. Havent painted the grass texture yet or the sky. Also have quite a few rocks to put into the scene. I only used one birch and one pine tree just to get a feel for the scene so far, although I have about 3 of each for the final scene. Going to adjust a few textures here and there also
Placing rocks and decided to sculpt the cliff tops in zbrush instead of just using terrain and seeing how the terrain textures will look on single polygons before I paint them (thats why they looks boxy xD)
Starting to come together. Still have a few textures to make. Going to blend the textures on the ground in the engine and do some vertex painting for highlights at the end and make the sky and background
Finished the cliff textures and started placing objects around. Still have to paint the path and some dirt and rock on the ground as well as finish the stream under the bridge.
Started on the sky, still need to fix some textures and make the water. Also going to add a few more bushes around the area. Also trying to figure out the best way to render the birch leaves in Unity without having those hard shadows...
Environment is finally finished! Decided to scale up a lot of the trees and made quite a few changes in other places. I'll be uploading a video walkthrough also since there are a few animated textures.
Hey Alex, it looks really cool! Here's my two main critiques;
- The noticeable repeating textures. You could break them up by adding some meshes, like a rock model on the cobblestone path, or more low plants for the grass.
- The leaf cards could have a lot more time put into them. The texture is cool, but I can obviously see they're flat planes.
- I think you could spend some time pushing the post processing to make all the colours really mesh together. Give it some colour restrictions.
Video walkthrough
- The noticeable repeating textures. You could break them up by adding some meshes, like a rock model on the cobblestone path, or more low plants for the grass.
- The leaf cards could have a lot more time put into them. The texture is cool, but I can obviously see they're flat planes.
- I think you could spend some time pushing the post processing to make all the colours really mesh together. Give it some colour restrictions.