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Arm Anatomy

polycounter lvl 3
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danialanp polycounter lvl 3
Hi everyone, here is my second post of anatomy. This is my personal study about the anatomy of the arm.

I expect you all your feedback.


  • Quantm
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    Quantm triangle
    Both hand and wrist look flat. Hand proportion off. Metacarpal joint is wrong. Wrist too wide and not looking right. Forearm muscles not in proper position. Deltoid needs to be smoothed out more even thou it's 3 parts they won't have groove like that. Biceps and Triceps volume doesn't seem correct unless it's on purpose.

    Not a bad start but I really suggest you to take a step back and start over from bone structure. Try to do ecorche to really understand muscles and bones under the skin :wink:
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