I made it. I released my first AssetPack. Inspired by some WW2 games and movies, i decided to make a pack of assets out of it. Let´s start with my small, digital artbook inspired a little bit by the book Vickers Guide.
The famous Maschinenpistole40, the MP40:
The Luger08 Pistole, in my asset pack i just call her: Pistole08: (I like her more without the fishskin bump on the grip panels^^)
The Stickgrenade with pullfuze:
A bundle of Stickgrenades formed into the "Geballte Ladung" anti-tank grenade. I´m actually not so happy with the result of the barbwire. Maybe i will rebake this asset with ductape or something similar:
The Tellermine42, anti-tank mine. A pressure of at least 210kg was required to activate this mine:
The S-Mine35, Springmine35 or the Schrapnellmine35 also known as "bouncing betty". Pretty ugly mine because she detonates in belly or head height. Was activated by pressure of 3kg or more.
The Nebelkerze39B is a foggrenade activated by pullfuze:
Thanks Paul, i´m glad you like my works. I´m not 100% satisfied with the barbed wire of the "Geballte Ladung" Asset and maybe i need to tone down the Black Spots on the Luger08 Pistol a bit more. Maybe Ductape will look better on the Geballte Ladung Asset, because the barbed wire just looks flat and to low poly. But for the rest: Im happy that i improved a bit
Small Asset Update for my WW2 Axis First Person Assets, a gauze bandage used by the wehrmacht during wwII. Main purpose is some kind of medipack/medikit pickup for first person games. 1440 Tris, rendered in Unreal: Gazu
Kudos man! you've nailed these individual asset's overall aesthetics plus characteristic detailing down too an absolute ' T ' and frankly deserve a front page plug, at the very least.
I´m not 100% satisfied with the barbed wire of the "Geballte Ladung" Asset and maybe i need to tone down the Black Spots on the Luger08 Pistol a bit more.
Maybe Ductape will look better on the Geballte Ladung Asset, because the barbed wire just looks flat and to low poly. But for the rest: Im happy that i improved a bit
Thanks man!
I like the molotov with the match, did you find any references to the germans using that sort of molotov? Instead of the burning rag type of molotov.