Hello everyone!
I have finally finished my first ever model! It took me a while and I thought about giving up on her but I've decided to soldier on, reasoning that it's better to finally have something under my belt.
So, without further ado:

For closer examination here's the link to Sketchfab:
https://skfb.ly/6wYSxMy goal with this was to try and go through all the steps for creating a realtime character. What I didn't realize was how crucially important it is to properly evaluate the project beforehand and plan ahead, so I ended up doing a lot of critical mistakes and then having to either correct them 5 steps down the line or live with the consequences (like ugly wireframe).
The most frustrating struggle was probably with the hair because I feel like I neither solved the problem nor decided on how to deal with them in the future (the latter argument is what I tell myself for comfort when I look at apalling proportions, lack of sculpted detail etc.). I've looked up a lot of stuff on how to deal with hair cards but I found that curly\kinky\afro-like hair still was somehow out of my grasp.
I would love to have any critique or advice, should anyone have any!
Since it's my first properly finished model I am not really sure as to what to include here but will gladly include progress pics or close-ups or whatnot should anyone show interest in that