Gurna'm is a Giant born on the mountains of Aeischellon. He was captured by the elves when he was young, on the Big Slaughter. Many of his friends and kins were captured to serve the big elves.
Ten years later, something happened and Gurna'm was released...
Right now he only serves to his own vengeance. Healed and upgraded, he's hunting them... one by one. He has no weakness and he has only one purpose... and he do it pretty well...

There are a lot of elves to kill... and the clock is ticking...
@dGreenberg My first thought was to make a bust shoot with evyerthing textured, but then I decided to go with a full character yep. Game-res ready. Nothing too technical this time, just focused on the materials and details.
Plasma gun and elf sword.
C&C are welcome, guys
I think the sword is looking a little bit weak and tiny though, especially the handle.
In the next updates I will add a bit more stuff that will tell us more about the scale of Gurna'm since I don't want to add a comparative image. I want to do a believable scale relation without putting external stuff because I would see myself if the design is working on the way I want or not.
Thanks for the tip, dude
Gurna'm spent many years killing elves in the past, but once he became a legend, the elves that still stayed alive found a distant and remote place to hide themselves..... underground.
They kill thousands of dwarves and a lot of villages and cities were destroyed, now property of the elves...
Right now, Gurna'm is travelling with his crew ( two faithful giants that became his new family after years of sharing adventures and revenge together ) towards the biggest standing dwarf city to make the last alliance against the Elves...
The Great Battle is going to begin... and Gurna'm is at the vanguard...
Some more work on the high poly and I also started the retopo for the head since is going to be a single texture. Some cloth working for the highpoly until calling it finished, and also I will change the two-handed sword for a really-big hammer made from dwarves...
Here I came with an update and some hair as blockout. It works pretty good for me so I will go with it:
C&C are really welcome!!
I think the hair strands are looking a bit thick, especially considering his size, other then that its looking really good.