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FEEDBACK - Orc Run Cycle

polycounter lvl 7
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cambamkaboom polycounter lvl 7
Hey everyone. 

Could you beautiful people please give me some feedback on my Orc Run Cycle?

IDK what to do with the head and I;m not sure if everything else is working. Any notes would be appreciated.




  • Ushiro
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    Ushiro polycounter lvl 3
    Increase the amount of Up and down on your character we need to feel the weight.You can also drop the shoulder  or compress the spine to increase this feeling of weight. Play with the jaw to add charisma, you can also add more movement to the Pelvis/COG/COM (like left/right and rotation). You're in a good way keep up the work
  • cambamkaboom
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    cambamkaboom polycounter lvl 7
    Ushiro said:
    Increase the amount of Up and down on your character we need to feel the weight.You can also drop the shoulder  or compress the spine to increase this feeling of weight. Play with the jaw to add charisma, you can also add more movement to the Pelvis/COG/COM (like left/right and rotation). You're in a good way keep up the work
    Much appreciated, Ushiro.

    When you say "play with the jaw", did you mean pose it differently or animate it?
  • Ushiro
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    Ushiro polycounter lvl 3
    Try to run with your mouth relax and open as you breath, you'll notice the jaw follow through the head/body movement. So since your orc's mouth is open try to rotate it to avoid stiff face. Just Think about exaggeration as well as follow through and overlapping to improve your animation (and of course all of the 10 remaning principle of animation).

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