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White House Says Trump Will Meet With 'Members Of The Video Game Industry' Next Week

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The White House today said that President Donald Trump will meet with executives from the video game industry to talk about violent games

Link - https://kotaku.com/white-house-says-trump-will-meet-with-members-of-the-vi-1823437500

I would love to be a fly on the wall for that one :) 


  • EarthQuake
    Oh good, I'm glad they're sorting that out.

    Here is a Trump game: http://trumpdonald.org/
  • Blond
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    Blond polycounter lvl 9
    I don't know man...Most kids on Western Countries play video games and yet there aren't many school shooting accross Europe....
  • littleclaude
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    littleclaude quad damage
    Maybe these pastors might be there to help give some advice. 

  • Ryusaki
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    Ryusaki greentooth
    Oh, i am surprised that the loot-box fiasco has reached the white house....
  • littleclaude
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    littleclaude quad damage
    Blond said:
    I don't know man...Most kids on Western Countries play video games and yet there aren't many school shooting accross Europe....
    The United Kingdom got rid of guns after a school massacre in 1996. Dunblane 15 kids and 1 teacher so the UK outlawed private ownership of guns, there has not been a school shooting since. 

  • EarthQuake
    The United Kingdom got rid of guns after a school massacre in 1996. Dunblane 15 kids and 1 teacher so the UK outlawed private ownership of guns, there has not been a school shooting since. 

    But how will you overthrow the government?
  • Blond
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    Blond polycounter lvl 9
    The United Kingdom got rid of guns after a school massacre in 1996. Dunblane 15 kids and 1 teacher so the UK outlawed private ownership of guns, there has not been a school shooting since. 

    Actually I just realized my post wasn't quite complete. :D 

    I should've written:
    I don't know man...Most kids on Western Countries play video games and yet there aren't many school shooting accross Europe....*Maybe the problem is elsewhere... :* 
  • sacboi
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    sacboi high dynamic range
    geez!...looks like they're going too trot this tired old chestnut out...ay'gain if or when this supposed meeting eventuates...
  • Stinger88
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    Stinger88 polycounter
    But how will you overthrow the government?
    We'll be using The Marquess of Queensberry Rules.
  • littleclaude
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    littleclaude quad damage
    Stinger88 said:
    We'll be using The Marquess of Queensberry Rules.
    Lol :)

    How Australia ended gun violence, in 1996 they got rid of guns, there has not been a mass shooting since.  - http://fortune.com/2018/02/20/australia-gun-control-success/
  • sacboi
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    sacboi high dynamic range
    ^ yeah Port Arthur was our crucible, a truly horrific event, the memory of which remains starkly etched upon my consciousness all these years removed.
  • allmighty_thunder
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    allmighty_thunder polycounter lvl 13
    so basically...

  • Mark Dygert
    The White House says a lot of things...
  • VelvetElvis
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    VelvetElvis polycounter lvl 12
    Don't most other countries media outlets not name the shooter and put the shooter's name on a plaque in the golden hall of honor? Our media has turned this sort of thing into a game of one upsmanship. Seems like that has to play a lot into this as well. 

    For anything like Australia and the UK to work here in the US, it needs to be done at the federal level (which will never happen). Gun restrictions at the state/city level do not exactly work. Everyone likes to cite Chicago's gun violence and tough gun laws. Gun laws don't care about state lines. So what if Chicago has tough laws when you can take a 15-20 minute drive to Indiana and buy enough guns to even outgun Arnold in "Commando".

    On a side note, how did the UK and Australia get people to hand over their guns? Defend the 2nd and "From my cold dead hands" is pretty much ingrained into most gun owners here, because who here doesn't hunt with a mini-gun?
  • Alex_J
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    Alex_J grand marshal polycounter
    Smart Americans marry Canadians.

    Get out while you still can.
  • Brian "Panda" Choi
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    Brian "Panda" Choi high dynamic range
    Trump is a bad person.
  • valuemeal
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    valuemeal polycounter lvl 6
    Tough guys vs. A wrestling fellow, who will win?

    But seriously  dudes ,history is repeating itself .
    Remember the mortal combat scare of 94'?


    The esrb was made because of this, who knows what is next.
  • Amsterdam Hilton Hotel
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    Amsterdam Hilton Hotel insane polycounter
    this thread is unbelievably Bad

    but I'm going to turn it Around.

    Because I will be Meeting with Members of the Video game industry next week, as well.

    we are going to have Intelligent Conversations and make a lot of Progress. and hopefully, a Ton of cash.  We're going to do Great Work.

    there will be no Forum Posts about this.

  • JunkieKong
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    JunkieKong interpolator

    On a side note, how did the UK and Australia get people to hand over their guns? Defend the 2nd and "From my cold dead hands" is pretty much ingrained into most gun owners here, because who here doesn't hunt with a mini-gun?
    In Aus after the Port Arthur shooting (It might have been days after even), the laws were changed and there was a "Firearms Amnesty" where any outlawed guns could be turned in and the government even paid back a reasonable sum for the value of the gun! And you know what, it actually seems to work. I recall their being another amnesty last year maybe, not sure why, but again loads of people turned in illegal firearms because it beats being arrested I guess.
  • sacboi
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    sacboi high dynamic range

    Also those sweeping changs too the AUS gun laws were enacted by the then Liberal Federal Government, (conservative side of the isle) similarly aligned in terms of political mindset to the US Republican Party plus these raft of policies gained 90% public support.


    As an aside commenting as an ex-vet, back in the day I'd served alongside American forces whilst on exchange and when the conversation invaribly turned to the subject of gun ownership their overwelming response I recall was that in general a prevalent lack of respect your average joe blow had when handling a firearm of any description, it was as if likened to unwrapping a candy bar?!

  • CreativeSheep
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    CreativeSheep polycounter lvl 8
    Well, he isn't wrong. Video games of today can be extreme. Besides playing video games is a disorder like taking street drugs.
    You play video games in excess you have a disorder.
  • littleclaude
  • Fuiosg
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    Fuiosg polycounter lvl 5
    We back in the 90s now

    I like how TV/Film always dodges these discussions. If you're going to do the 'violent entertainment hurts our children thing' at least be fair. 
  • Eric Chadwick
    this thread is unbelievably Bad
    I want to see more of this guy. and less of this guy. :D
  • PolyHertz
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    PolyHertz polycount lvl 666
    Fuiosg said:
    We back in the 90s now

    Hooray! The 90's were awesome :)
  • RyanB
    I hope Trump can do something to stop valuemeal threads.
  • Joopson
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    Joopson quad damage
    Fuiosg said:
    We back in the 90s now

    I like how TV/Film always dodges these discussions. If you're going to do the 'violent entertainment hurts our children thing' at least be fair. 

    To be fair, he did call out movies too. But yeah, Video-games take a disproportionate amount of the blame.
  • Ryusaki
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    Ryusaki greentooth
    I think its is very easy to see that Trump isn't even interested in regulating video games, he just uses this topic to sideline the actual problem and discussion and tries to sit it out by blaming something unrelated until the media storm is over.
    He doesn't care about video games, he cares about the NRA and wants to shift the blame. That's all.
    Quite easy to see through, but the media is jumping on that train like the stupid little puppies they are.
  • katastrophic88
    Ryusaki said:
    I think its is very easy to see that Trump isn't even interested in regulating video games, he just uses this topic to sideline the actual problem and discussion and tries to sit it out by blaming something unrelated until the media storm is over.
    He doesn't care about video games, he cares about the NRA and wants to shift the blame. That's all.
    Quite easy to see through, but the media is jumping on that train like the stupid little puppies they are.

    Completely agree with this. 
  • Alex_J
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    Alex_J grand marshal polycounter
    Ryusaki said:
    jumping on that train like the stupid little puppies they are.

    Ahem. I have a 3 month old puppy. He's pretty stupid, but even he can tell when I'm bullshitting. 

    And I'm a much better liar than Trump. 

  • Ryusaki
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    Ryusaki greentooth
    No offense meant towards cute little puppies, but you would expect journalists to have the wit and perception of an pack-leader, not that of a little child.
    But hey, who am i kidding. Its not like they write what they truly believe in, they write accordingly to their agenda and if political or financial interests are at play it can make one look very stupid. 
    Like this Dude: Jeremy Bailenson


    Lets all blame video games for violence outbursts of a view psychopaths, because obviously if you want to train your shooting skills you use a video game instead of training on an shooting range with your perfectly legal firearm.

    "There is at least one documented case of a killer using a first-person shooter game to improve his combat skills."
    What about the 863 million undocumented cases of normal people training themselves to be SUPERSOLDIERS and roam the world freely without running amok?

    Also...documented case? What does that even mean?

    "Anders Breivik told the court in 2012 that he used "a holographic aiming device" in the game "Call of Duty" to develop his target acquisition abilities. "

    So he had formulated murderous intent in his mind and then he played a little Call of Duty.
    That's correlation at best, far from causation.
    And even if the game "helped" him to develop his target acquisition, that is totally unrelated to the reason he developed his murderous intend in the first place. Classic blame shifting.

    There is no argument here.
    Its flinging diarrhea at the wall in the hope something sticks.

    The only thing that sticks out is the amount of stupidity of the author, and the amount of stupidity he thinks the reader has to swallow that shit.

  • littleclaude
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    littleclaude quad damage
    Guest list according to this article by Polygon - https://www.polygon.com/2018/3/8/17095178/who-is-going-trump-video-games-meeting-white-house

    President Donald Trump

    Strauss Zelnick, chief executive of Take-Two

    Robert Altman, the CEO of ZeniMax (parent company of Bethesda), Trump’s brother Robert Trump serves on the board of ZeniMax but might not attend

    Michael Gallagher - Entertainment Software Association head 

    Vicky Hartzler, R-Mo., and Brent Bozell, founder of the Parents Television Council, Media Research Center

  • sacboi
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    sacboi high dynamic range
    haha...looks as tho trump inc have a bet each way...
  • ExcessiveZero
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    ExcessiveZero polycounter lvl 12
    I just don't know how this is still even up for debate, for me it is disappointing  Strauss Zelnick will be attending, their attempts to link this with the Game industry should be given zero legitimacy.
  • another caveman
  • Ryusaki
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    Ryusaki greentooth
    That's an horrible kill montage.
    Mostly old games.
    No music.
    No real skill.
    Terrible editing.
    I rate it 3/10 and i am feeling generous today.
  • pigart
  • Ruz
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    Ruz insane polycounter
    feckin idiot he is, please for a return to normaltity
  • CreativeSheep
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    CreativeSheep polycounter lvl 8
    I guess many are too desensitized. 
  • Easton
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    Easton vertex
    The United Kingdom got rid of guns after a school massacre in 1996. Dunblane 15 kids and 1 teacher so the UK outlawed private ownership of guns, there has not been a school shooting since. 

    To the poster above with the Far Cry pic, lol, that's pretty funny

    Problem is that the UK does have terrorist attacks, guns are outlawed and so are hand grenades but that doesn't stop them because criminals are criminals, France also has strict gun laws and they have frequent terrorist hunting raids and troops in the streets. There may not be many school shootings there, but they have a lot of terrorist sleeper cells. Google Bataclan massacre and tell me laws keep you safe...

    In regards to video games, I think it is a catalyst, or should be looked at with psychological studies, and I do think some video games go too far in the blood and gore department, is it really necessary to see things soldiers get PTSD from in war? No.

    I think it is mostly schools and how kids are raised, also TV has rotten their brains along with social media and the corrosion of families. Most of these kids that do things like that are already whacked and their parents know they have guns, violent video games etc.

    I think it is stupid that they want a 21 years of age limit, what's that gonna do to another Steven Paddock? Politicians are dull. Trucks should be banned too if we go to extremes. SMHO

  • Easton
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    Easton vertex

    It would never work, the day the cops show up to take the guns is the day a revolution will break out, hell, the cops would help lead it lol. Because Americans are ingrained to hate tyranny, history shows that when you disarm the populace and take control of their information you can get away with genocide. The Constitution states very clearly that Americans have the right to bear arms, it never says what kind, which means exactly what it says, I find it funny that somehow "a well regulated militia" is taken as "regulate the guns". Well regulated militia means a force ready to defend the country, in shape and trained. Europeans should know better about the 1930s-1940s
  • NikhilR
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    NikhilR polycounter
    Easton said:
    It would never work, the day the cops show up to take the guns is the day a revolution will break out, hell, the cops would help lead it lol. Because Americans are ingrained to hate tyranny, history shows that when you disarm the populace and take control of their information you can get away with genocide. The Constitution states very clearly that Americans have the right to bear arms, it never says what kind, which means exactly what it says, I find it funny that somehow "a well regulated militia" is taken as "regulate the guns". Well regulated militia means a force ready to defend the country, in shape and trained. Europeans should know better about the 1930s-1940s
    I believe buying a gun out of state (where you are not a resident) is illegal. So you shouldn't be able to cross state lines to buy guns.
    Also the second amendment doesn't say anything about ammunition, perhaps they could regulate those turning the arms into bb guns.

    On topic, I can see how graphic depictions of violence in society can desensitise some people. Though firing guns in a video game shouldn't encourage a player to buy into the real deal.
  • Stinger88
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    Stinger88 polycounter
    Easton said:

    Problem is that the UK does have terrorist attacks, guns are outlawed and so are hand grenades but that doesn't stop them because criminals are criminals, France also has strict gun laws and they have frequent terrorist hunting raids and troops in the streets. There may not be many school shootings there, but they have a lot of terrorist sleeper cells. Google Bataclan massacre and tell me laws keep you safe...

    This may well be true (some what). Major terrorist attacks in europe are generally "terrorists of war". Not home grown nutters. Although there are some in that respect, I'm thanksful home grown nutters can't access guns so easy as well.

    Yes, criminals can access them but they do for a purpose. Mr Normalton suddenly going off the rails doesn't have a gun. nor knows where to get one. And I'd love to keep it that way.

    Regardless. The answer has NEVER been "lets legalise guns".

    I've seen a few things with americans talking about how unsafe it must be over here lately. I dunno whats going on over there lately, some kinda of brainwashing media scare about guns and free health services.

    The lack of guns on the streets and the NHS are 2 of the best things about this country imo.

    Anyway. Sorry. Back to games.....

    Nevermind. I've done this arguement too many times before. Its old...
  • RyanB
    Stinger88 said:

    I've seen a few things with americans talking about how unsafe it must be over here lately. I dunno whats going on over there lately, some kinda of brainwashing media scare about guns and free health services.

    You might want to do some research on crime statistics, for example London vs New York, before you start talking about brainwashing.
  • Stinger88
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    Stinger88 polycounter
    RyanB said:
    You might want to do some research on crime statistics, for example London vs New York, before you start talking about brainwashing.
    because London = UK and NY = USA? Anyway. Nah. Cant be arsed to do research. Having beers. But please do share any numbers you might have.
  • Easton
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    Easton vertex
    Stinger88 said:
    This may well be true (some what). Major terrorist attacks in europe are generally "terrorists of war". Not home grown nutters. Although there are some in that respect, I'm thanksful home grown nutters can't access guns so easy as well.

    Yes, criminals can access them but they do for a purpose. Mr Normalton suddenly going off the rails doesn't have a gun. nor knows where to get one. And I'd love to keep it that way.

    Regardless. The answer has NEVER been "lets legalise guns".

    I've seen a few things with americans talking about how unsafe it must be over here lately. I dunno whats going on over there lately, some kinda of brainwashing media scare about guns and free health services.

    The lack of guns on the streets and the NHS are 2 of the best things about this country imo.

    Anyway. Sorry. Back to games.....

    Nevermind. I've done this arguement too many times before. Its old...
    I feel safer having every Joe with a gun. I would rather 250 people die a year for example than have another USSR, Nazi Germany and Imperial Japan round up innocent people and kill them by the millions, just saying... It will happen again, and it is going to happen where there is the least resistance which is a populace that is defenseless.

    While our terrorists are mostly home grown, we have less than Europe does, mostly because they can just walk right over to Europe or disguise themselves in a sea of refugees (Intelligence agencies know they do, and ISIS themselves said so too). Thankfully after obliterating ISIS the rate of terror attacks has gone down here, but they are getting pushed into Europe... Terror attacks in Europe are actually rising. I am just saying that grenades are illegal, and terrorists know how to get them and don't care if they are illegal, laws don't protect people when it comes to criminals, a law is punishment after an innocent person is hurt. There are 350 million people here, they cant be controlled and if they did then that would be terrifying, someone is always going to lose their nut, all it takes is one person to unfortunately ruin everything.

    Anyways, yeah, I think video games while they might not be the real problem need to be looked into, a lot of these crazy people that commit shootings play violent video games. Like don't give your 5 year old GTA 5! its mostly a parenting problem and our culture is falling apart because we glorify criminals and violence, sex, drugs... have you watched TV in America??? Some of this stuff is WHACKED

    EDIT: There is a reason I only watch British TV haha, it isn't filled with the garbage we have here

  • sacboi
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    sacboi high dynamic range

    Interesting 'Gun Related Homicide' stat comparison which I think adds further clarity too the discussion:

    America's gun culture in 10 charts

    How does the US compare with other countries?

    About 40% of Americans say they own a gun or live in a household with one, according to a 2017 survey, and the rate of murder or manslaughter by firearm is the highest in the developed world. There were more than 11,000 deaths as a result of murder or manslaughter involving a firearm in 2016.

    As for violent game accessibility, military/scify/fantasy shooters in particular, the ESRB system is woefully inadequate when taking into account methods of choice available for purchasing content online also in my opinion I'd doubt the white house will table and/or introduce measures that may detrimentally impact annual revenues.

    After all lets be honest for a minute, the mighty $ rules any rumination/debate where there's potential for political capital too be made...or not at the end of day.   

  • almighty_gir
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    almighty_gir ngon master

    and for those who can't be bothered to watch/think it's just another comedian, his points are incredibly succinct:

    The Port Arthur massacre is possibly the largest mass murder committed with a firearm on the planet, and at the time of that comedy show, hadn't been beaten (it may have since then).

    In the 18 years before it, there were 12 other mass shootings, though far smaller in scale. And after Port Arthur, the Australian government said "no more guns!" and there hasn't been a mass shooting in Australia in the 19 years since then.

    I fact, in every developed nation in the world that has suffered mass shootings, and then banned guns, the number of mass shootings has since dropped to almost zero. And the amount of gun related crime has dropped proportionally too.


    There is absolutely no correlation between video games and violent crime. There is however, a direct correlation between firearms and violent crime. The fact that this is even still debated at this point is beyond a joke.

    The comedian is absolutely correct in the way he frames the issue. In America after Sandy Hook, your government said "maaaaybe we should outlaw the big guns?" and half the population went "FUCK YOU DON'T TAKE MY GUNS!". And interestingly the same thing happened when the government tried to take your slaves away too, and even more interestingly, the same arguments were used to try to keep them.

    Something to think about at least.
  • CreativeSheep
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    CreativeSheep polycounter lvl 8
    There is key information being missed, to which that comedian is missing.  Take some cues from what Easton wrote, and if you watch the YouTube video; there is alot of violence in video games.  It takes an image of violence to influence someone to purchase a gun and use it on citizens, it takes the mind set or that to which someone was fed to use a gun on anyone.  
    I don't know where the slaves argument fits into this; that is a whole different argument. 

    Gun violence will never stop; there is gun violence is countries that don't have a right to bear arms.  Where there is people there is violence; it's not right, but that is human beings born in sin.
  • almighty_gir
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    almighty_gir ngon master
    There is violent crime everywhere, i agree. but the number of gun related deaths is absolutely correlated to the number of guns in circulation. that's a fact.

    The points you seem to be missing are:
    1. "You can't change the second amendment", fuck yes you can, it's called an amendment for a reason.
    2. you just contradicted yourself, first you say that it takes an image of violence to influence someone, and then went on to say that it's simply people being 'born in sin' (as ridiculous as that statement alone is) which is enough for people to be violent.
    3. the connection to slavery is: people used to argue that having slaves was their 'god given right' and that taking that away would be a hugely terrible thing, neither of those things are true and ever have been.

    The single line from the whole show that makes the most sense to me is this: All of the arguments for owning a gun are bullshit, with the exception of one: "I like guns".
This discussion has been closed.