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Ancient Ruins - WIP 03 - Looking for your feedback !

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AminCG null

Hi everyone,

I'm finally  back after a little break in the middle of February on that project.

Though I had less time one that project, I managed to finish the modeling of all the structures and also finished the foliage and its textures!

So with all these assets, it was time to do an other blockout test just to check that everything is going well all together. I didn't break the symmetry that much yet, I will surely do when I'll have the trees and branches in place.

The scene with the modeled assets without foliage

The scene with the modeled assets and basic foliage test

This blockout allowed me to make sure that everythings is working all together. The scene obviously still missing trees, and branches and a final foliage placement with grass.

While I'm moving forward onto the trees creation, I will complexify the blockout till I find the right setup. Some more broken pieces will be added underneath the biome!

Stay around, more to come very soon!

Thanks for reading!

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