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How did they do the rocks in Shadow of the Colossus Remake?

polycounter lvl 9
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Blond polycounter lvl 9

Ok, guys, I'm gonna need some insight here. There's a freaking lots of detail on those rocks, even for a Ps4 level title. By the sheer amount of details they have, I can suspect they were sculpted with Zbursh but I just can't get how they rocky surfaces of the wall have so many diversity, I really can't sense or see any sign of repetiveness or tiling here.

Even when the grassland when seen from far above the ground, you start seeing the titling and repetitions but the walls, dammit, the whole thing looks as it was sculpted in one go...

Also, honestly, how did they manage to put somuch grass/foliage and green on the ground withtout losing performance?


Now that silky smooth fur; I know how they did it with multiple layered geo on the PS2 game but here???? This is better looking than Turf/Hairworks Nvidia ever proposed for their gameworks futilities,  and here this is running at silky smooth 60 frame on Ps4 pro.

How did BluePoint did it?


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