Hi, i need some help to understand what causes this baking artifacts I'll copy paste some stuff from my wip topic.
I'm using Substance Painter to bake all the maps and i exported the mesh in .fbx format from Maya.
Settings that i use normally for fbx export: smoothing groups checked, smooth mesh checked, referenced asset content checked, everything else disabled.
I also tried exporting with different settings but it didn't change anything.
Settings that i normally use for Substance baking: compute tangent space per fragment checked ( when importing the mesh ), UE4 preset, match by mesh name ( because i have multiple parts ), antialiasing usually at 4x4, frontal and rear distance at 0,01.
I read a lot of stuff here on the forum and on the net about "how to deal with baking errors" like the low and high mesh should match closely, triangulate before exporting and other stuff but at this point i tried everything and i don't know what to do, so if someone could help me understand the problem i will be glad.
Now here we go with the images:
Baked with the default settings that i normally use without anti aliasing:
Baked with the same settings but with anti aliasing at 4x4:
Baked with no antiliasing but with Max Frontal Distance set to 0.005 and Rear to 0.01, i noticed that if i increase both the settings ( ex. 0.03 ) it only get worse but if i lower only the frontal distance it gets better but some artifacts are still there:
Normal map view:
Difference between Low and High geometry ( as you can see they match closely ), the High is the colored one and the Low is the one that i have selected:
And yes, dilation is important too, if you bake in Substance Painter - chose dilation+difusion (around 5-10 px wide).
The problem is actually solved but Maya is telling me that some of the uv islands are distorted ( red ) and if i unfold them they become curved again, i also tried with the pin tool+unfold but it doesn't change much.
So i have 2 questions:
1) How can i make straight uv islands without any distortion ?
2) What is the fastest way to straight uv islands ? Because right now i'm doing as following: take a circular or not straight uv---> cut it so i get 2 uv islands---> take the central edge loop of one of the 2 uv islands and do an unfold+straight along that edge loop---> straight the whole uv shell---> repeat the same process with the second uv island---> move and sew them together---> straight them
Here are some images of the mesh, anti aliasing 4x4, i modified only the UVs of the inner part of the mesh to test it out:
Some UVs:
UV distortion problem:
Well i think that i'll put some music on and start fixing some UVs...thanks again
With that said i still don't understand something, i saw that you usually answer a lot of technical questions so maybe you can help me out ( just a little bit
I'll leave some images here of my WIP topic just to make the post more clear.
High Poly:
Low Poly:
Bottle main body:
Concept ( FF XV ):
1) I don't understand what shape an uv island should have...i mean, i solved the artifacts problem by straightening the uvs so i thinked "ok maybe the artifacts were caused by aliasing because with a curved uv island the borders were all jagged and with a straight uv the borders are clean" but then i saw some baking videos on youtube were the artist had no straight uvs and the bake was perfect, he did only your tipycal cut--->sew--->unfold workflow.
2) How to avoid distortion when straightening an uv island without the need to fix it manually later ?
3) How would you uv map a mesh like the one that i made ? I usually place a seam where the edge of the mesh change it's orientation but i'm not quite sure anymore if this is the correct way, i saw many videos but the workflow changes every time.