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Hey guys, I haven`t posted for years on Polycount so I thought I`ll start a smaller low poly hand painted project to kick things off.
I decided to do a personal iteration of the legendary weapon of the Hellscream boiz of the Warsong clan from Warcraft: the mighty two handed axe "Gorehowl"
I`ve seen numerous versions of this weapon trough the ages, since the Warcraft franchise launched, some are more different than the others but a few things almost always consistently present, features I decided to carry over to my version:
-mighty size, being a two-hander
-skull decor at the top of the head of the axe
-a row of "teeth" on the spine of the blade
-non-figurative shapes indented on the sides of the axe`s head
I don`t plan to reinvent the wheel just twist the design a bit, making the weapon a bit more dynamic, an maybe a bit more vicious looking

My refs:

The blade has an interesting look with the swirly texture. I'm not sure if it really sells the reflectivity of the metal though. It kind of looks more like worked flint.
Have you considered a more "mainstream" reflective look with straight highlight streaks, similar to this example by Gui Pu?
I think it would be cool to sell different reflectivity levels for the different materials on the axe; some more rustic, some more reflective.
I was also planning to make the metal on the spine and top of the weapon more corrodedand darker, and the blade more polished to make things more easy to distinguish just as you said.
I should have an update later today on the progress, thanks a lot for the feedback its much appreciated!
Making the skull glow is a cool idea. I'm iffy on the glowing horde symbols along the blade edge. Maybe it would look better if you made the existing engravings on the gold part of the axe glow instead?
Will be back after some edits and polish soon!
thanks a lot for the feedback, and thanks all for checking!