Hey, your body anatomy looks pretty good so far, the legs feel a bit too spread apart but your main area of mistake is the face from profile view.
Looks like you worked on it mostly in front view but the the profile is what's gonna give you a nice 3/4. it has a lot to do with bone structure, notice how the bottom of the nose usually aligns with the bottom of the cranium (can vary from people to people), bottom of the ears sternocleidomastoids attach to the mastoid process, small bone bump behind your ears (you can feel it if you touch it)
My paintover is far from perfect but you get the idea
thank you very much. I will use all of your advice. paintover is very clear and i think is pretty good . i hope you can give me more advice as i modife my work. Thank you one more
Looks like you worked on it mostly in front view but the the profile is what's gonna give you a nice 3/4.
it has a lot to do with bone structure, notice how the bottom of the nose usually aligns with the bottom of the cranium (can vary from people to people), bottom of the ears
sternocleidomastoids attach to the mastoid process, small bone bump behind your ears (you can feel it if you touch it)
My paintover is far from perfect but you get the idea